
Ricotta & Honey with Seasonal Fruit

For our inaugural post on The Butcher & The Baker (that's us!), we thought we'd share one of our all time favorite desserts- and probably the easiest plate of amazingness you'll ever put together.

We first tasted this genius combo on a vacation through Catalonia, Spain and trust us, we tasted a lot of it! Every restaurant served it differently, but the best ones were perfectly proportioned with house-made farmers cheese, jam and honey. 

We like to add seasonal fruit and prefer a dry-ish ricotta- our favorite is from Tonje's at the Union Square Green Market.

Ricotta & Honey with Seasonal Fruit
+ 1/2 cup ricotta - Any kind works. We've tried goat's, sheep's and cow's milk ricotta. It's really just a matter of taste.
+ 2 tbsp honey
+ 1/2 cup of seasonal fruit - Berries work wonderfully, as does stone fruit. 
Put it all together! Don't feel like you have to stick to these proportions- anything goes!

Serves 1, if you're lucky!

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