
Recipe: Duck Egg Salad and Bacon Sandwich

Jake often works from home and Silka's office is about a block away, so we eat lunch together quite a bit during the work week. Usually we eat at home, making our way through leftovers, but when we do eat out we almost always go to Eisenberg’s, a classic Jewish deli on 5th Avenue and 22nd. We sit at the counter and order one of two sandwiches - the BLT or the Egg Salad with Bacon - fries, extra pickles and Dr. Browns Root Beer.

The last time Silka's parents were in town they brought a souvenir from the country: 2 dozen duck eggs laid at Silka’s aunt's house (otherwise coined Dumb Duck Farms because it took about a month for the ducks jump in the water). We were definitely intrigued, but had no idea what to make. Neither of us had cooked duck eggs before and we really wanted to celebrate their flavor...even though we didn't really know what they tasted like. 

We were getting ready to write a post about one our favorite kitchen tools, the immersion blender, and make some homemade mayonnaise. It was such a great opportunity, we couldn't resist: duck egg salad and bacon sandwiches. We picked up some ciabatta rolls from Bread Alone, used some of the Flying Pigs bacon ends we had in the freezer and voila! The easiest dinner ever! The whole meal took 12 minutes to make, super cheap, and perfect for eating on the couch in front of the TV.

Major thanks to Diane for her amazing Dumb Duck Farm Eggs! 

(Duck) Egg Salad and Bacon Sandwich
+ 8 eggs
+ ½ lb of bacon, either sliced thick or bacon ends
+ 1 cup of homemade mayo
+ lettuce
+ 1 tomato
+ sandwich bread - we used heavenly ciabatta panini from Bread Alone

1. Cook bacon in a heavy skillet over medium-high heat to desired crispness. We used bacon ends because we thought it would be fun to mix them directly in the salad - and because that's all we had. But slices would be great too. 
2. Bring a pot of water to a soft boil. Gently put the eggs in the water and let cook for 10 minutes, 12 if you like the yolk very firm. 
3. Take the eggs our of the boiling water and place under running cold water for a few minutes. Peel eggs and place in a bowl.
3. In the meantime, make the mayonnaise. If you want, add a few dashes of Worcestershire sauce and mustard to the mix.
4. Combine mayonnaise with the eggs. If you used bacon ends, throw those in the bowl as well. We used about 1/3 cup of mayo but you should use as much as you like.
5. Put on bread with lettuce and tomato. Enjoy!

Serves 4

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