
Butcher's Demo: How to Shuck Oysters

At the time of our first date, Jake was obsessively reading Mark Kurlansky’s The Big Oyster. So on our second date we went to one of our favorite spots in Brooklyn - Marlow and Son’s - for oysters and martinis. The rest, as they say, is history. Oysters have continued to play a big role in our relationship and we're always looking for an excuse to eat them - not that you need any excuses when they're only $1 a pop from P.E. & D.D at the Green Market, incredibly good for you and good for the environment!

Every Valentine's Day since, we've spent a quiet night at home with a bowl of oysters and a nice steak. And because we've already demonstrated the perfect steak, we thought we'd complete the package with an oyster shucking how-to. Don't be intimidated! It's easy to master and trust us, it's the best way to woo someone. We know.

Happy Valentines Day!

Because this is only our second Butcher’s Demo video, we're still working out the kinks. We'd appreciate any and all constructive comments!

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